Hearing the Voice

Writers’ Inner Voices is part of Hearing the Voice, a large interdisciplinary study of voice-hearing based at Durham University and funded by the Wellcome Trust.

Our research explores the relations between hearing voices and everyday processes of sensory perception, memory, language, literature and creativity, as well as why it is that some voices (and not others) are experienced as distressing, how they can change across the life course, and the ways in which voices can act as social, cultural and political forces.

You can find out more about Hearing the Voice at the project website, or keep up to date about current research and events at the blog.

Although we are not clinicians and cannot offer clinical support, we have collated a list of sources of information that have proved valuable to those seeking help and advice about voice-hearing experiences.

If you hear voices or support someone who does, you may also be interested in Understanding Voices, which provides information about different approaches to voice-hearing and ways of supporting those who are struggling with the voices that they hear.